Akashic Starseed Files Course
In this Foundational Course, you will receive access to 6 pre-recorded weekly modules (over 40 videos!) about the history of our corner of the cosmos and learn about 30+ Soul Groups (their homeworlds, their frequency and gifts, and what it can feel like to be a part of that Soul Group on Earth).
Altair Gateway
Integrate and live what you have learned on Earth during the Altair Gateway Portal, January 22, 2023
6 things I’ve learned in the Akashic Records
The last 2 years working in the Akashic Records have been WILD. This is what I’ve learned.
Cradle of Lyra Gateway : January 10-12, 2023
The Cradle of Lyra Gateway Portal is here to remind you of your Sovereignty.
Vega Gateway : January 4-6, 2023
Vega Portal Gateway dates and how to use this time to open your heart and receive.
Lyra Gateway : January 1-20, 2023
Lyra Portal Gateway dates and how to use this time to activate your Cosmic Ancestry.
2023 Gateways - Cosmic Alignment Dates
Key dates for connecting to your Starseed Lineage and Activating your Cosmic DNA.