2023 Gateways - Cosmic Alignment Dates
What is a Gateway Portal?
An energetic event when the Sun is Conjunct a Celestial body (e.i. the star/planet is behind/aligned with the Sun).
The energy of these systems are beamed through our Sun, Sol, which represents the Self and amplifies the energy.
The energy during a Gateway Portal is potent and we are integrating that energy at a soul Level.
The Sun is amplification of action, movement, and growth so working with a Gateway energy is actively moving the energy through you in a big way.
Additionally, if you are a Starseed from this system, this is a very important time to integrate and process your past lives with them. There is a stronger connection to those memories for these Starseeds at this time.
2023 Star Gateways Portal Dates:
January 1-20 Lyra Gateway
January 4-6 Vega Gateway
January 10-12 Cradle of Lyra Gatway
January 22 Altair Gateway
February 21-24 Fomalhaut Gateway (Royal Star*)
March 10-31 Zeta Reticuli Gateway
April 17-19 Andromeda Gateway
May 16-18 Algol Gateway
May 16-24 Pleiades Gateway
May 27-30 Hyades Gateway
May 28-31 Aldebaran (Royal Star*)
June 1-3 Alpha Caeli Gateway
June 7-20 Orion Gateway
June 13-15 Mintaka Gateway
June 17-18 Nihal Gateway
July 3-12 Sirius Gateway
July 14-16 Procyon Gateway
August 21-25 Regulus Gateway (Royal Star*)
October 15-16 Spica Gateway
October 16-19 Arcturus Gateway
October 27-29 Hadar Gateway
October 29-31 Alpha Centauri Gateway
December 2-5 Antares Gateway (Royal Star*)
December 17-20 Galactic Center Gateway
*Royal Stars are seen as our Celestial Guardians, the 4 towers that hold the corners of our Universe together
Please Note: Some of these date are estimates for 2023 and their position in the sky.
Follow @HouseOfLyra for exact dates of the portals throughout the year and how to work with each as they happen.
In 2023,
May we settle into stability like we have never known,
May we find the path that lights the fire within us,
May we love more deeply,
And May we shine like the Great Central Sun
📌TL/DR short and sweet: Watch these dates for activations and 2023s key dates for connection.
Opening the Portals,
Delphi ✨