Altair Gateway

The Altair Alignment is happening today January 22, where the Sun is aligned with the fixed Star Altair in the Aquila (The Eagle) Constellation. What’s interesting is Altair came up in a Cosmic Past Life Reading last week and I had no idea this constellation even existed.

disclaimer: I’m sharing the reading with my clients permission.

The Akashic Records shared that this Starseed is having an alternate lifetime right now where they are a Blueprint Technician creating planets in the Aquila sector for Vega to colonize. One of these planets is Altair as well as planets in the Abell 70 Nebula. 🤯🤯🤯

He is there to build the planets but also to create and calibrate a new ascension portal.

What’s interesting though, is that this is all happening in an alternate universe and dimension then ours at this time and the records said this won’t happen in our Universe for over a million years. The Records confirmed that there are no Soul Groups in this sector in our Galaxy at this time.

But just because this is happening in an alternate universe, that doesn’t mean that we do not have access to the codes of the Aquila Gate right here and now during this alignment with Altair. Time and space do not exist remember?

What I didn’t know until researching online after is that Vega and Altair have been talked about in Chinese mythology and astrology prior to the 8th century when this mythology came to Japan.

They are called the Star-Crossed lovers because they stare lovingly from across the milky way in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer. They get to meet one day a year on July 7th.

We just had the Vega Alignment January 4-6 so the sun has crossed the Milky Way and is currently aligned with Altair. 

The Ascension portal in Aquila will be one of the biggest ascension portals in that Universe because it will aid souls in integration and embodiment of Sacred Knowledge that they have learned in their lifetimes. Coding it into their DNA and making it a part of them type of Integration.

I feel as if many of us here on Earth tend to learn a lot but never slow down to have that integration step which is so so important for Soul growth.

This Gateway Portal is all about integration of sacred knowledge and our own Gnosis (what we create/share from OUR wisdom).

Connect into this Ascension Gateway and see how you can live what you have learned in this lifetime, settle into its teachings and wisdom, and “be” the knowledge you hold.

📌TL/DR short and sweet: It’s time to live what you know

Living and loving deeply,

Delphi ❤️


Read about the Japanese Tanabata Festival, the celebration of the star cross-lovers, Altair and Vega, here:



Akashic Starseed Files Course


6 things I’ve learned in the Akashic Records