Reiki Energy Sessions
Reiki (ray-key) is traditionally a Japanese technique for stress relief and healing. To us and those that have experienced Reiki, it is so much more. Emotional releases, physical pain relief, mental clarity, and spiritual growth are only a few of the reason why we love the Divine Loving energy of Reiki.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words: Rei which means "Higher Power or Source Energy" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "Life Force Energy Guided by Source."
Reiki Practitioners are not the healers, you are the healer, they are the vessels for the Reiki energy to work with your permission. We are simply catalysts for the healing that you have already requested.
How does a session work?
For a session, you will lay on a massage table fully clothed and get comfortable with pillows and blankets. Our Reiki Master, Ashley-Delphine, will cleanse the space and test your chakras to see if any are closed. She starts the healing session by placing hands on your Crown Chakra for the Reiki to make a connection to your energy field. From there she will work down your body, connecting Reiki to all of your Chakras and finding any places of resistance to help you release them. She ends a session with a second Chakra testing to make sure that they opened and then cleanses the space one more time.
You may feel healing during the session or it could come several days after the session. Reiki is an intelligent energy, and it works however you need it to work. Some people do not feel anything during a session, and others have beautiful profound experiences. Ashley-Delphine has had a different experience with every practitioner she has received a session from. She has experienced no physical or spiritual sensations during some sessions and had visions and felt physical sensations in others. Reiki is still working for you even if you do not feel anything at the time, so try not to go into a session with an expectation. Just allow the energy to flow.
Why we offer Reiki Services?
For Ashley-Delphine, Reiki has become something that was unexpected in her life. She started the training to be able to send Reiki to all of those who had bought pieces from The Grove Apothica. She infuses each piece with Reiki to make sure it is filled with as much Divine Love as each piece could hold. Being able to use Reiki in daily life has given her the ability to Self-Sooth when needed and help others to fully experience themselves during sessions. Her path in life is to hold space for other as they heal, and Reiki has shown her another way of supporting people on their path to releasing resistance in their lives.
Distance Healings are just as Powerful as In-Person Sessions!
Sometimes our busy clients don't have any time in their schedules or they are not local to us to have a session. Distance Reiki Sessions are a perfect way to get some Reiki Love. While you are working, so are we. We can schedule a specific time for the session to be done so you can relax and receive, or we can perform the session when we are called to do it and you will receive the healing at any time of the day. The beautiful is that you do not have to be local to us to receive the benefits of Reiki wherever you are.
Ready for your next session?
Easily schedule your next Reiki session below or head here to look at all of our energetic offerings.
We are excited to offer a full Reiki Training Program; curated to open your heart, call in more healing, and expand your intuition.
Ashley-Delphine is a proud member of the Reiki Membership Association founded by a leader in this industry, William Rand. She is trained under the Usui/Tibetan Tradition through his lineage.
She is certified as a Reiki Master through Cortney Martinelli, her Reiki Master Teacher, who is a 2rd Generation teacher under William Rand.