Akashic Starseed Files Course

You hold the memories of the galaxy in your Soul’s DNA.

Through the Akashic Records, I've been meeting, experiencing, and opening so much of the collective knowledge that is available to us.

I've created a pathway into "the more", the knowledge, the excitement, and the re-membering of the parts hidden away in our memories when we came to Earth.

We are not meant to be on this journey alone. This course was created as a place to share your own cosmic truths and create a bigger picture for all of us to remember.

When we collectively share what we know and have experienced, we are opening doorways in our sub-conscious to memories long-waiting to be witnessed. 

This course is meant to open the pathways to your infinite self and awaken your own memories to be shared with the community.

In this Foundational Course, you will receive access to 6 pre-recorded weekly modules (over 40 videos!) about the history of our corner of the cosmos and learn about 30+ Soul Groups (their homeworlds, their frequency and gifts, and what it can feel like to be a part of that Soul Group on Earth). 

Through this knowledge we will be opening the doorways in our subconscious to activate our memories and the gnosis that we hold within us.

Class Starts June 12

Enrollment Opens May 29th at 10am!!

Learn more HERE


Pleiades Gateway


Altair Gateway