Your Starseed School offers 6 payment options as well as Partial & Full Scholarships:


One Payment:

  • One payment of $878

  • Pay it Forward: - $1156 - Your enrollment + a 1/2 Scholarship for a fellow student


3 Month Plans:

  • 3 payments of $304

  • Pay it Forward: - 3 payments of $396 - Your enrollment + a 1/2 a Scholarship for a fellow student


6 Month Plans:

  • 6 payments of $157

  • Pay it Forward: 6 payments of $204 - Your enrollment + a 1/2 Scholarship for a fellow student


We do offer both partial and full-ride scholarships to those that cannot attend due to financial hardship, with a priority of the scholarships granted to BIPOC, AAPI, LGBTQI2-S folks, and folks living with disabilities to join this class with ease.

Scholarship Applications are closed for the 2022 Season.


We can’t wait to bring you into the Star Temple:


 What you get in the Starseed School of Remembering

  • 8 Live Zoom classes with unlimited access to replays

  • 40+ Hours of class time:

    • (6) 4-hour Live classes & (2) 2-hour Live integration classes

    • 12+ hours of recorded class content

  • 8 Workbooks to guide you deeper into the Archetypes and your own journey

  • 144+ Practices & Tools to help you Heal, Learn, Inspire, and Create lasting change in your life

  • A deep working understanding of 23 different Star Nations & Earthseeds

  • 18 Guided Meditations for Awakening, Activation, and Healing

  • 9 Weeks of Integration Journaling and Practices

  • Lifetime access to course content and materials

  • Direct email support with your StarKeepers

  • Future ways to connect through Akashic Record Readings and/or Coaching with your Starkeepers

  • Bonuses:

    • Integration and Journal Work between classes

    • Post-Program Integration Workbook to help you consistently find deeper alignment long after the program

    • Exclusive Discounts from your Starkeepers:

      • Starseed DNA Readings to know your Lineage

      • Private Check-In Calls

    • Resources for further integration/reference: Spiritual & Self-Healing Books, Crystals, Oracle Decks, Affirmations, Channeled Messages, Podcasts, and More.


We enter into a Sacred Agreement in our temple space where everyone is respected and able to take up space. We hold the following Shared Agreements in our spaces.



Honoring and acknowledging that this course was created on the unceded land of the Seminole Tribe and Tocobaga Tribe (currently called Clearwater, Florida) and the Kaskaskia Tribe, Osage Tribe, and Miami Tribe (currently called Canton, Ohio).



This course is a Personal Pilgrimage, “a journey…made to some sacred place as an act of devotion.” You are journeying into the depths of your soul to explore, experience, and embody your connection with your Wisdom.  This course is a supportive space to discern what feels true to you.  With any spiritual knowledge, the information of the Star Soul path might not resonate with everyone. Take what is your truth and leave what isn’t.  We are honored to be your guides on this journey, but always remember this path is yours. 


If you desire to be a part of this course, we call you in to hold with us the following boundaries (linked below) When you join the Starseed School of Remembering you are agree to these Sacred Agreements in our space.


Q: When does this course start and end?  

A: Next course will begin March 5, 2022 and end on April 22, 2022.

Q: Is this an online course or in-person?

A: This course is held entirely online through Zoom!  You can join from anywhere in the world!


Q: I really want to take this course, but I know I can’t make it to every class. Is there a replay? Will this affect my participation? deadlines for coursework?

A: So stoked you want to join us on this journey! This course has no deadlines and just a little bit of homework (recorded videos to watch during the week at your own pace). We are giving you the option to go as deep as you want with this work. You have the content forever, including your manuals and journals, and replays will be sent every Monday after class so you can catch up before the next class. There may be suggested weekly readings, suggested practices, etc., but none of it is required.


Q: Do I have to know I am a Starseed to come to class?

A: Absolutely not, any and all Star Souls are welcome. We will be sharing the differences of the Star Soul groups and giving you the space to figure out where you are. This course is about expanding our collective wisdom through community, embodiment, and deep practices. If you want to know if you are a Starseed you can receive a Starseed DNA reading with Ashley-Delphine here.


Q: Do I need any spiritual experience for this event?

A: You’re welcome here no matter where you are on your Spiritual Path. As long as you are ready to experience triggers, deep healing, activations and awakenings, and inner truths, you are ready for Starseed School. All we ask is that you have an open mind and seeking heart.


Q: Is there anything I can do to prepare me for this course?

A: First, know that you don’t have to figure this all out on your own.  The only real preparation you need is to show up, open up, dive in, and follow the program. Knowing your Star Lineage can be really helpful for this course before we meet first together in the Star Temple on Zoom though. You can book a Starseed DNA reading with Ashley-Delphine to know your Star Lineage and get a better idea of why your Soul is here on Earth. This gives you the Star Nation groundwork so that you can know which Temples could really resonate with you during the course. You can also follow us both on IG to check out other info shared about Star Souls and our work: @SarahTillemont and @TheGroveApothica


Q: What will this course improve for me?

A: We’re going to let our students answer this question:

“I have begun healing incredible trauma, breaking cycles, settling down into who I am in every way, finding more passion in things that align with my being. It’s helped me find my Truth.” - J.P.

“This program has helped me hone in more on my intuitive abilities and TRUST myself!” - J.T.

“I am feeling more connected to my intuition than ever before, believe and trusting in it as a tool that I can reliably use; that it's not a vague feeling or a thought form, but a real skill and ability to access” - E.B.

“It was exciting to learn about the traits of the Star Nations in my lineage and to see how those traits show up in my life.” - C.S.

“[The Meditations were] One of the most useful tools current and to come, that I will use going forward.” - C.R.

“I already have a heightened feeling of my environment/ the earth as a whole. Learning more about the lineages has expanded my empathy.” - C.A.

“Knowing about my Star lineages has made me feel more grounded and okay in my place here and now.” - E.B.

“They have brought me a sense of inner calm. Knowing. Understanding that every single thing or choice leads to what is needed.” - T.N.

“For me the meditations were the most transformative! Healing and connecting with my guides in a different setting was eye opening.” - J.T.

Q: How do the payment plans work?

A: We offer a variety of different payment plan options. Payments will be automatically deducted from your account on the same day every month for the duration of the payment plan (3 or 6 Month Plans). If you choose to pay through a payment plan and you miss a payment, you will not have access to any further course content or information until you have made the payment. 


Q: Are there scholarships available?

A: Yes! We will be offering both partial and full-ride scholarships to those that may not be able to attend due to financial hardship, with a priority of the scholarships granted to BIPOC, AAPI, LGBTQI2-S folks, and folks living with disabilities. You can apply for the scholarship through the link in the Enrollment section above.


Q: What if I decide I don’t want to continue the course after I enroll?  What is your refund policy?

A: We want you to be fully intentional in everything you do, especially work like this. Before you sign up for the course, please settle into your Heart Space for just a moment to know this is the right choice for you. We honor the commitment you are making to this work and take your enrollment as an intentional purchase. Though we fully understand that you changed your mind, we can cancel your enrollment up 48 hours before our first Live class for a Full Refund (March 3, 2022 @ Noon EST). After this day, a student has 2 days from the exact date and time the first week’s Live Class has occurred (March 7, 2022 @ Noon EST) to request a refund (less a $100 fee for the first class and workbook). Refund requests must be sent via email to by this deadline. After the 2 day time period has passed, no refunds will be offered and you will be responsible for the remainder of your payments.


Q: A Class about Aliens, is this real?

A: We need more room than just a FAQ to chat about this properly, but we believe that Aliens are real and that many of the souls here on earth have actually spent time on Alien planets before reincarnating here. Each Alien Race (or Star Nation as we call them) has a specific mission here on Earth to aid in raising the frequency of the souls here. It's a big community of souls that want to work together to create a better way to live here on Earth. Sounds pretty great, right?


Q: I’m nervous about remembering past life and my alien lives.  I’ve heard of/experienced some scary things before with Past Life connections.

A: We totally hear you.  Looking into what has been hidden can be scary! We both have had experiences with our past Star Nation experiences that were scary or unnerving. Not everyone will experience this though. If you do experience memories from Past ET Lives, you may experience the hardest ones first because they are the lowest vibration and easiest to access. The more you work through them and access more memories, you are working into higher frequencies. Be present and witness the past. We will be doing some healing and integration work towards the end of the course to help you work through anything that comes up for you.


Q: Will this course be offered again?

A: Our plan is to continue to let this work unfold and continue to expand.  The next course after Spring 2022 is TBD.


Q: Who can I email for support?

A: Email us anytime at . We try to respond back as soon as possible but please allow up to 48 hours for a response.


Have other questions?

Send them our way to

We cannot wait to invite you into the Star Temple.