
Soul Clearing Reading

A Soul Clearing Reading is where I access your soul’s attachments through your Akashic Records. I ask what may be causing you issues or is attached to your soul that should not be there. 


These things can happen because of trauma in past lives and trauma in your current life. It is very common to have many of the things I’ll explain below if you have never had a Soul Clearing. You may not even recognize some of the different aspects that I will be checking into but they are energetic attachments and imprints that are very real.

This not a direct healing session, instead it is a reading and practice for your to step into your Sovereignty and heal yourself. I am merely the vessel for what needs addressed in your energy field. This is where the 21-Day Soul Clearing Practice comes in.


For 21-days straight, using the kit that I create based on your soul’s signature, you’ll be repeating clearing statements to set your soul’s intention of what you want to clear from it. This practice needs to be done for 21 consecutive days. That means that if you miss a day, you have to start over.


In your Soul Clearing Kit, you will receive instructions on how to perform your clearing practice, the clearing statement you need to clear what was found in your energy field, and energy clearing tools to help amplify your practice. The kit is mailed to you with 3 days of your reading with me.

So, why 21-days? 

The 21-Day Practice comes from having 7 chakras, 7 layers to the Aura, and 7 shields outside the Aura for protection. These are the 21 energetic layers of protection that you will be clearing and cleansing during this practice as well as the Golden Web that is the outer layer of your full soul. 

The number 3 is also sacred in any magical or energetic work and there are 3 weeks in this practice. Also, a practice that runs consecutively for 21-days also giving you the opportunity to focus solely on you for 15-20 minutes a day which then in turn, helps you to keep and use that time after your practice to tune in, ground, and protect your every daily. This is an amazing opportunity to clear out what is not needed or wanted in your energy and set yourself up for a practice in the future.

This type of energy work is considered advanced, but that absolutely does not mean that you will not be able to do it. If you are ready to clear away anything that is keeping you from your purpose, then you are ready for this type of healing work. It’s that simple. Advanced or not, energy work is all about intention and the Clearing Practice was curated to guide you through the process. 


Trust your own intuition and allow the session to empower you in the way that you need it to. This part of the reading is meant to empower you to take your power and energetic protection of your soul into your own hands. If you feel uncomfortable with this information or not ready to do this practice, it may not be time for this type of work in your life. That doesn’t mean though, that you can’t come back to it when you are ready. Only you will know that.


Now, let’s talk about what exactly I will be looking for in this session. There are 30 different areas that I check into to see if you have any blocks, issues, or energetic junk hanging on that should not be there. We all want our energy field to be working at its top performance and these things are a hindrance for that to happen. 


We are like little batteries of Universal Life Force Energy so we sometimes attract things that are not meant to be in our energy field. These types of Astral Debris see our light and want to be near it. You can also think of our energy like Static Cling. Things are attracted and may attach to us because of our past traumas creating openings in our energy field and the pull of our Life Force Energy. Just because they are attached doesn’t mean they have to stay that way so this practice helps you to remove anything that is not working for your highest good.


Tears in the Golden Web

Scars in the Golden Web

Past life Entity Attachment

Present life Entity Attachment

Negative Thought Forms

Anger Spears

Negatively Charged Objects

Negatively Charged Crystals

Etheric Implants

Draconian Implants

Earthbound Soul Attachments

Ghost Attachments

Poltergeist Attachments

Negative Portalways

Memory Interference

Partial Possession

Obsessing Influences

Negative Spirit Guides

Energy Created Thought Forms

Tar on the Subtle Bodies

Virus on the Golden Web

Red Fibers on the Golden Web





Vows to Negative Beings

Past Life Vows to God



Most of these things should never be in your energy field, but because our human traumas happen, we are sometimes left open to these things. But do not fret, you have the power to remove them and tighten up and restore your energy field.

The list above can look scary, but I promise you, you have the power to heal yourself and clear all of it away or I wouldn’t offer this work to you. The purpose of this entire experience is to empower you in the most beautiful ways.

You can add this offering to every type of Akashic Record Reading.

If you would only like a Soul Clearing Reading by scheduling a session in the link below:



What Souls are saying:

“Some days I feel so good while I'm doing my clearing process and other days I just cry during it. Lol it beautiful and emotional but I've been so ready for all of this and I'm embracing this process and journey so much.. and I'm for ever grateful for you.”

Kara P, Ohio - IG @ego.drop.soul.tap

To read more about the Akashic Records Readings, please visit the pages below:

Full Akashic Reading Soul Alignment Reading Earth School Reading