If you desire to be a part of this course, I call you in to hold the following boundaries for this community:

Personal Responsibility with Self.  As a student, you are being offered a space to allow a deep learning experience to aid you in knowing yourself through a different lens. Deep feelings can be brought to the surface with the experience you may encounter in this program. If you don’t have the capacity to hold yourself and find that big feelings are being brought up are too much, you may want to supplement this course with the help of a professional therapist. Ashley-Delphine is not a therapist or counselor, and they cannot hold therapeutic space for you.

Expectations for our Students: This course is a Personal Pilgrimage, “a journey…made to some sacred place as an act of devotion.” You are journeying into the depths of your soul to explore, experience, and embody your connection with your Wisdom. This course is a supportive space to discern what feels true to you. With any spiritual knowledge, the information of the Star Soul path might not resonate with everyone. Take what is your truth and leave what isn’t. I am honored to be your guide on this journey, but always remember this path is yours.

Integrity with the Material. Any program/course, or any parts within it, may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted/shared in any form by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise - without prior written permission of Ashley-Delphine.  You cannot claim these teachings as your own without crediting where you received it. I always do my best to speak about my teachers and I ask the same of you.  Do not share course material with others who have not invested in it. I appreciate you helping to create the highest energy of integrity within this course container together.

Respond, rather than React. If something is triggering for you throughout any course, gift yourself the necessary time to navigate what’s coming up before reacting.  After giving yourself space to digest, you are encouraged to respond and bring up any questions, comments, and discomforts.  No one is this school will police or bypass anyone’s experiences or feelings and instead invite you into a space for self-reflection, growth, and expansion.  I fully honor your journey through this program and value your responses to this material.  Anger, fear, frustration, and doubt are a part of the process and it’s all welcomed with conscious awareness.  As your teacher, I firmly hold the belief that this work can and will bring up what needs to be healed and ask that you use your discernment as a guide while respecting others in this same process.

Supportive & Inclusive Space: I am committed to this course being a supportive and inclusive space for all participants, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, class, age, disability, and identity. This intention of support and inclusivity encompasses not only the courses, worksheets, and bonus materials, but also any social media groups, Zoom chat boxes, and any live calls or classes. 

Any kind of intolerance, inappropriate or harmful language will not be permitted. Intentional and respectful language is required as we explore our own unique life experiences within this shared space. I hold firm in support and commitment to welcoming everyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality, class, age, disability, and identity. We will all also hold firm our commitment to doing better and publicly acknowledging our mistakes. If you feel anyone, including myself, are infringing on personal rights, respect, or undermining someone’s lived experience at any time throughout this program, please email me directly at Delphi@TheGroveApothica.com.

Land Acknowledgement: Honoring and acknowledging that the. House of Lyra was channeled on the unceded land of many Indigenous Nations. The land known as Ohio today was used as a transition place for many Indigenous Nations that were displaced as the colonizing settlers expanding their assumed control over the Indigenous land. The groups that have spent time on the land in Ohio are the Kaskaskia Nation, Wyandot Nation, Erie Nation, Ottawa Nation, Seneca Nation, Shawnee Nation, Lenape (Delaware) Nation, Shawnee Nation, Osage Nation, Miami Nation, and others that were not documented. The land of Ohio has seen a lot of abandonment, displacement, sadness, grief, and many of the Indigenous Earth Works have been destroyed and used to create the cities that erased the Indigenous history here. This course is taught on the land of the Kaskaskia Nation known today as Canton, Ohio.

I do highly suggest you finding out who’s land you are currently living on to better understand the energy you live with. Here is one website where you can start your journey: https://native-land.ca

Important Note on Mental Health: This course is a supportive guidepost on ways to connect deeper into your Starseed Lineage and awaken parts of your experience. This work can be deeply transformational and can be emotional. It is intented that this material can assist you on the path of your self care but this is not a therapeutic course. I am not a therapist or medical professional, and this course is not a substitute for therapy, professional mental care, and does not claim or intend to fix, treat, diagnose or heal mental illness. If you have pre-existing mental health concerns, feel welcome to seek and receive the support of a therapist or counselor while participating in this course and your overall earthly journey. I am not therapist. I am holding space for your awakening and will give tools on how to process and embody healing, but if things come up that are out of my level of understanding, I strongly suggest speaking with a licensed therapist or counselor.

Therapy is not a dirty word and can be very healing. I, myself, am gladly in therapy and have resources for affordable therapy sessions (only in the US) if you need additional assistance.