14-Day Gratitude Practice
By: The Grove Apothica
Hello and welcome to our 14-day Gratitude practice to get you ready for your Reiki Attunement in 2 weeks!
Firstly, I am so very honored that you chose us to share the healing benefits of Reiki. Secondly, I started a gratitude practice earlier this year and it has radically changed how I view situations that don’t seem to have a thread of joy in them. Join me over the next 14 days to settle into “why” you are here and why you are ready to start this journey that will change your life.
If you are using this practice before Reiki Level 1 or Level 2, there is a good chance that this practice will coincide with the New Moon and End around the Full Moon. I have chosen my classes intentionally so that if you are working with the cycles of the Moon like I do, or even if you have been curious about them, I can guide you through the first 14-days of this moon cycle.
As I first wrote out this practice, it morphed into a Moon Practice without me even realizing I was doing it so I changed it up and made it a full part of this 14-day love and gratitude fest. After All:
“The Moon doesn't consider one phase better than the other, she just glows, equally stunning at each turn. Why should we be any different?” - Cristen Rodgers
So, why gratitude? Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to get out of our heads and into our heart. It is also one of the first things that we skip when we want to settle into joy. What we don’t think about is that Gratitude is pure joy, pure love, and pure understanding. I hope you join me in finding your joy, allowing more love into your life, and awakening the amazing journey that you are about to begin.
I definitely suggest that you start a journal. When you actually write things down with pen and paper, things become real. After these 14 days, you can continue going with the gratitude daily into the future. It is also a really good idea to start journaling about your Reiki Journey because I wish I had somewhere to go to see where I was and see how far I have blossomed since my first Attunement.
If you feel like you want to share some of your gratitude during any of your days on social media, use #TheGroveGratitude so we can see all the joy that is filling your days.
As with anything that we offer, I ask you to use what calls to you and leave the rest. If something does not resonate with you in this practice, it is totally fine to skip it, but reflect on why it doesn’t resonate and then move on.
So, check the moon phases around your class and see when the New Moon falls. Start this practice the day before with Day 0. If you have any questions just send me an email!
I’m honored that you are here. I’ll see you in class and I can’t wait to share Reiki with you.
Day 0 - New Moon
Set the Intention
I am all about living with intention. If we are blindly walking through life, what are we doing. All of my work is focused on Intention: Crystals, Healing Jewelry, Reiki, Classes. It all comes back to intention and purpose. So we are going to take the new energies of today’s New Moon and allow it help us dive deep.
We are going to focus on your “Why Am I Here?” to begin.
What is your reason for starting your Reiki Journey?
If you are starting this journey to begin to heal yourself – Make that your why.
If you are starting this journey to offer others a safe space to heal – Make that your why.
If you want to use this journey as the diving board to a new you – Make that your why.
If you are just curious about Reiki and want to learn more – Make that your why.
Whatever reason you have as to “why” you are starting this journey, we are going to use that as the basis for the next 13 days. If your “Why” changes over the next 2 weeks because you have settled into a new thought process, then shift with it. Do not feel like you are stuck in whatever you say today. Flow with love and see where it takes you.
Intention – Setting intention is the first step in any plan. If we plan vacation, our intention is to relax and enjoy our life. We may not say it but that is the intention that we are setting for ourselves. This practice is no different. We are setting an intention around our “why”.
Day 1 – Dark Moon
Reflect and Reset
You are about to open yourself up to the most amazing energy of Reiki. There are so many beautiful things right around the corner, so I thought we should start by reflecting on your life right here and now and setting you up for the future by setting the intentions for the Reiki class you are about to be a part of.
Reflect on the last week, month, year, and/or phase of your life:
What are the top 3 highlights that brought you joy?
What are the top 3 low points where you couldn’t find joy? This may sound strange to reflect on our hard moments, but we must live in balance, and these are a part of us too.
Think about the intentions that you set yesterday and take a moment to reflect on how the “you” now, is different from the “you” during any of the above moments. Do you feel that you would have been ready to start this journey then?
Write/Say/Share 3 ways that you are thankful for this opportunity.
Labradorite – This grey beauty helps us to find beauty in our life is we only change our perspectives. It works will all the chakras and is a beautiful stone to use in transition and new experiences.
Candles – Easy to find and use, these tools are amazing at being a light in the dark (literally and figuratively). When we light candles during any practice, the flame acts as a battery to fuel our work and the smoke carries our intentions into the heavens.
Day 2 – Dark Moon
Sacred Pause
As we are still in the energy of the New Moon, we are preparing ourselves to let the light into our intentions so that they can be heard by the universe. These days right after the New Moon are the best time for us to settle into the intentions that we made. If during these days, you feel a shift in purpose, go with it and allow it to flow.
Write/Say/Share 3 ways you are grateful for today. Anything will do, just open yourself up to 3 special moments that did/will happen today.
Set aside 5-10 minutes today to just settle into your body. Try to be as quiet as possible and say your intention for your Reiki Journey 3 times pausing between each recitation to see how it feels to say, hear, and feel into. How does it resonate in your heart space?
Rose Quartz – A powerhouse of love and settling into your Heart Space. Calms your spirit and beings joy and love.
Pen and Paper – You would not believe how fast we settle into something when we write it down. Try it and see how real things get.
Day 3 – Dark Moon
Settle In
The Last 2 days you have been focusing on your “why” for your Reiki Journey. Today you will settle into where you are in your life right now and what you want to bring into your life that you have always wanted to do. In a way, it’s like settling into your favorite spot on the couch before you start a movie you have been wanting to watch. You get comfortable in the spot you are in and open yourself up to the possibilities that are right before you.
Write/Say/Share 3 people in your life that have supported goals in your life that you have already accomplished. How were they supportive? Why are you grateful for them?
Write/Say/Share 3 dreams that you have wanted for yourself that you are still working on.
Carnelian – Opens us up to creativity and the childlike wonder.
Play – As Adults we don’t allow ourselves to play and use our imagination as much as we really could. Open yourself up to the endless possibilities of childlike wonder.
Day 4 – Crescent Moon
During this phase of the moon, you are starting to collect the tools you need to make your intentions come to life. When we start to bring things together, we are saying to the Universe (and ourselves) “I’m here and I’m ready”. You are building your support for the days ahead and building the energy around your intention
Write/Say/Share 3 people that you are grateful to have experienced their journey thus far. Whether it has been a tough journey or just beautiful to behold, who comes to mind when you think of a journey.
With those 3 people you thought of, who do you think could benefit from healing and may allow you to practice and share Reiki with. Now is the time to start collecting friends and family who would be willing to feel Reiki and allow you to understand it more through a session once you are attuned.
Rutilated Quartz – an Amazing decision stone and helps us decipher the next step. I use this to see all the lines of energy that flow from one moment to the next.
Day 5 – Crescent Moon
You’ve begun collecting tools, thoughts, and energy surrounding your intentions and now you will start to organize your thoughts and tools. As you work through everything that has been coming to you during this time, allow each to flow freely until it feels time to hold on to it. All of these pieces that you collect, will help you to focus in on what you truly want and need. As the light grows brighter each day, it is easier to see everything in greater focus as well as see the positive change in our emotional body.
Write/Say/Share 3 tools/thoughts/epiphanies that you are grateful for from the last 5 days. Observe where they have taken you.
Check in with your intention and see if it is growing with you. Say your intention for your Reiki Journey 3 times. Pausing in between each recitation to see how it feels. As you probably noticed “3s” are big in this practice and as you go along your Reiki Training you will learn that “3s” are also important.
Amethyst – Focus, clarity, and intuitive support. This powerful crystal is adored in the spiritual community and it’s no wonder because of its power to help us truly “see”.
Day 6 – Waxing Crescent Moon
Ground In
Now that we have started to organize our thoughts and intentions even more, we need to take a moment to re-connect to ourselves, our body, and Momma Earth that holds us. Using this potent time to ground in, we can find stability in what we want for this cycle. By giving our Body, Mind, and Soul the opportunity to tune into itself we find greater clarity and understanding because we are pausing to actually listen in.
Write/Say/Share 3 ways that you are grateful for how the Earth has sustained/supported you. Giving thanks to Momma Earth is the purest way to say thank you for life. We come from dust and will return to dust, so being thankful for every moment we are able to feel into the beauty that we are living on the better.
Moss Agate – This earthy stone reminds us that “Slow but steady wins the race”. It helps us settle into our earthly body and really appreciate the soothing energy of the Earth we live on.
Any Kind of Jasper – This is the ultimate Earth stone. There are more types and colors of jaspers than any other stone and it reminds us of all the different landscapes on this beautiful planet.
Earthing – This simple tool is as easy as taking your shoes off and walking in the grass... I’m not kidding. Feel the earth vibes soaking up into your body and just breath. Earth it up and just rest.
Day 7– Waxing Crescent Moon
Focus Up
It is time to talk to the Universe/God/Source/Energy about your intention. You have reviewed and reset at the New Moon. Then you collected, organized, and grounded in your intention. It’s now time to just open your work up to your higher power.
Gather a candle and settle into yourself. Any candle will work, but I use a white candle to represent white light. Remember a candle is a way to energize and connect your practice to your Higher Power. The smoke carries your words to wherever they need to go. Pray over the candle and say your intentions into it, then light it.
Close your eyes, “look” up to where your 3rdEye sits in the middle of your forehead and breathe deeply in and out into this space. Continue to gaze at your 3rdEye and breath in as you count to 5, hold it for 5, and count to 5 as your breath out, hold for 5, repeat. Continue to do this until your 3rdEye starts to tingle or until you feel relaxed and connected. If you feel light-headed, do not fret, you are just retraining your brain to breath intentionally.
Write/Say/Share 3 grateful ways that your Higher Power has shown up for you. Giving praise or saying thank you, instead of just asking for help, shows that you have a balanced energy exchange with it.
Clear Quartz – This is one of the highest vibe stones and is the easiest to program. Use this stone for connection to your Upper Chakras and for channeling right to the Divine.
Day 8– First Quarter Moon
Steps Ahead
When you come to the First Quarter Moon, you may start to feel or see some push back on the intentions you have set. This could be what I call the “Brain Terrorist” coming in to tell you that your “why” is silly or that you will never achieve your intention. Do not allow it to deter you. You have 2 choices during this cycle to let the hurdles or issues that come up keep you from your intention. OR, you can allow these hurdles to become sacred fuel and stepping stones to propel you forward. Where hurdles start to appear, be flexible, be open, and keep moving.
Every time something comes to you that is negative, Write/Say/Share 3 positive things that negate it. IF you can’t think of at least 2 things that make it untrue, sit with this thought for a moment and see why it is resonating. This is a practice that you can use with anything and at any time.
Write/Say/Share 3 moments that you are grateful that you kept pushing through and got to the other side of a hard situation. Those moments show you your worth, your strength, and just how resilient you really are.
Lapis – Known as the Truth Stone, this blue beauty brings together Sodalite (speaking our truth) and Pyrite (a fiery mirror for the soul) to help you connect to your inner compass and find the truth within.
Your Thoughts – Whether you think so or not, your thoughts are one of the most powerful tools you have. They are one of the only things that only we hear and they can be negative or positive depending on how we choose to react to situations. Be kind to yourself, be honest with how you really feel, and allow your thoughts to mimic what you really believe. The Universe doesn’t know the difference between thought and intention, so if you are talking negatively to yourself in your head, the Universe hears you.
Day 9 – First Quarter Moon
Forward Movement
As we move through the First Quarter, we start to see the roots that are taking hold from the intentions we planted within ourselves at the New Moon. During this time, use your emotions that come and go as the fuel to keep moving you forward. There will be fears and doubts that will pop up as you keep moving, just like we talked about yesterday. We are human, and we doubt everything that we do because we do not see the power that we hold in our own right. The moon right now should be at about half full meaning the energy is still building to the Full Moon. As energy grows, just like any project, more wrenches get thrown in to make sure that you really want this. Do not fret, keep moving, keep keeping your eyes on the path ahead and we will get you to the finish line.
Because I truly believe in the practice we did yesterday, we are going to do it 2 days in a row. This is key to changing how we see ourselves and situations in our lives:
Every time something comes to you that is negative, Write/Say/Share 3 positive things that negate it. IF you can’t think of at least 2 things that make it untrue, sit with this thought for a moment and see why it is resonating. This is a practice that you can use with anything and at any time.
Write/Say/Share any 3 ways that you are Grateful for your day today. Sometimes just being appreciative for the lessons and joy in the present moment have more meaning than being grateful for our memories.
Smokey Quartz – This deep brown crystal is so supportive to negate negative energy and help support moments of doubt. It helps you settle into your body, rest a moment, and ground you into your intentions again.
Day 10 – First Quarter Moon
Sacred Pause
We’ve come to another moment where a Sacred Pause will help us to re-center, re-connect, and re-evaluate our progress. In the Moon cycle we are about to enter the last phase before the Full Moon. Taking a day center again into your “why” helps you to re-affirm and see where there are still spots of resistance.
Try to set aside 10-15 minutes to get quiet and close your eyes (if you can do more than 10-15 minutes please do). Pray, Meditate, Rest and use the Breathing Technique we did on Day 7. Allow your mind to wander and then bring it back to center.
As we move into the last phase of the moon before the Full Moon, Write/Say/Share 3 ways you are Grateful for Rest and three way that you could allow yourself more of it.
Unakite – My go to stone when I need a moment to re-center. This “warm hug” of a stone just allows us to settle into our heart space and nourish any soft spots there.
Creative Expression – Our Creative Self is so healing and transformative. Whether it is drawing, painting, writing, dancing, designing, baking, cooking, scrapbooking, gardening, or anything that is a creative endeavor for you. Having a creative outlet helps us to see where we are and how happy we are. They say that the purest channeled creativity is from Pain & Joy. Using your creative self to check in with where you are is an awesome tool you can utilize.
Day 11 – Waxing Gibbous Moon
Receive, Thrive, Receive
You are in the Final Phase before the Full Moon, where things start to get real. We have been on a 10-day journey into Gratitude and now is when you may start to see how much being Grateful daily can really affect how you react in your life. You may have been noticing intuitive nudges from the Universe/God/Spirit/Source over the last week or so as well and it is time to really soak them in. When you start to get serious about something and bring light to a new endeavor, the Universe can show up for you in a big way. It’s time to pat yourself on the back for giving yourself permission to start your Reiki Journey and keep moving forward to your “Why”. If you feel a shift in how you feel it is ok to still re-adjust. Flow where the energy goes.
Write/Say/Share 3 ways that the Universe has been using to get your attention. Maybe you haven’t “noticed” anything, but I promise you that it is there. Has there been a moment or idea that caught your attention that you have previously not really connected to? Has there been a moment of Déjà vu that was so weird? Have you been remembering your dreams or having ones that make you think? All of those can be ways that the Divine is trying to contact you.
Write/Say/Share 3 ways that you are Grateful for your Higher Power. Show them some love today for everything that they/she/he has done for you. Make an offering to them, say thank you for a moment of unexpected joy, light a candle, pray your thanks, or whatever you feel is right in this moment.
Tigers Eye – a beautiful stone with the ability to help you find balance. Encouraging you to keep moving and strengthens your self-confidence.
Day 12 – Waxing Gibbous Moon
Open Your Heart
As we move closer to the beginning of your Reiki Journey, we are going to focus on connection. you have done some beautiful work, delved deep into understanding your intentions and motivations, and shown yourself and the Universe gratitude for what you have already received and what you are about to receive. Usually this time is about re-evaluating, but I feel that it is time settle into our Spiritual Body and really open you heart for your journey.
Write/Say/Share 3 ways that you are grateful that You are You. This is where you get real about how you are grateful for YOUR Magic. This may be the hardest day of your practice because sometimes it is hard to see the beauty inside, but I promise you Sweet Soul, you would not be on this journey if your truly were not a powerful Divine being. Settle into your heart space and open your Heart to self-love.
Rose Quartz – The Ultimate Self-Love, Divine Love, and Pure Love stone. We talked about this stone early on, but now the intention behind using it is so much more. Find love, See Love, Be Love.
Heart Chakra – people may not think that a Chakra could be a tool but why not? They are a part of who we are and when we actually work with them, they are tools to bring a more balanced life. The Heart Chakra is the center of our being where love, emotion, and heartache sit. This Chakra is one of the most powerful in my opinion but that could just be my Cancer Sun sign talking, we are all about the love. Breathe in to your Heart Space, feel it expand and radiate love into your whole body.
Day 13 – Waxing Gibbous Moon
Light Within
Are you excited? You are about to learn and experience Reiki within yourself! The Moon is almost giving off its full illuminated self and you are about to as well. Today is going to be all about seeing the Light Within. Whatever Higher Power you settle into, this is the time to see the love that they are working in your life and how you are radiating it out for others to see.
Today is a day for beauty and connection with the Divine Within. We have had other days where we connected, but this is about how you are using the Divines guidance to show your light to others.
Write/Say/Share 3 ways that you feel/know the Divine had a hand in guiding you to Reiki. These could be lessons that you learned/are learning that showed you that you need a different way to heal. These could be moments of Clarity where you just knew that it was time to start this journey. Whatever your “Why” for starting the journey, there were reasons that you came to this why. Its time to reflect on those.
Write/Say/Share any 3 moments of Gratitude for this lifetime.
Selenite – Pure White Light stone that clears cleanses and charges us and the space around us. Hold in your hands and breath into the stone and let it radiate White Light back into your body.
Day 14 – Full Moon
Divine Connection
You are finally here! What a journey we have been on. Today is the Full Moon and the time where your intentions are at their peak, where the light is the brightest and where we feel closest to the divine. Over the next few days you will receive the attunement to the Reiki energy, and I know it will be a beautiful experience. Soak in the energy today, revel in the vibes you feel today, and allow your heart to be filled with joy and love.
After you get home from class, write/say/share 3 moments that filled you with joy and excitement. What epiphanies or moments of clarity did you have?
Self-Healed Quartz – I know that you received a piece of Self-Healed Quartz today. This crystal can be the most healing ally that you have. Allow it to break you open and seal any of the wounds that you still have. Be open to its teaching and ask it to help you find peace.
Your Hands – Now that you have been opened to the Reiki Energy, your hands are the most powerful tool that you have. Through these human objects, you can hold space for yourself and others. Allow the Divine to flow through your hands to help bring healing to those around you.
YAH!! You did it and are now on the path of Reiki. I am so honored to hold space for you and to open you up to the Divine Love of Reiki. It has been a pleasure sharing knowledge and love with you and if you need anything or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:
Thank you for being here with me and I hope to see you soon!
All my love and Gratitude,